No mousies around here. Hope it stays that way. Now that the weather is significantly warmer, likely I won't see any more until Fall chill.
Absolutely nothing to say. Just wanted to get rid of the hanta viris post so I am posting today. I never have anything to that's nothing new.
My oldest is here from last evening after work. he and Katie Bella have bonded so she was delighted to see him. She even got up from her napping place and greeted him when he emerged from his room this morning. And they laid on the floor together snuggling still the lure of coffee got one of them up and in to breakfast. I'll leave it to you to imagine which one. Hint: it wasn't Katie.
I made home made Egg McMuffins again for breakfast. Next time it will be the traditional eggs and bacon and biscuits. The cat doesn't ask for bacon the way Admiral did. Must have had that bacon gene pass her right on by when she was made. :-)
Horrible thunderstorms last night about 2 in the morning but we're still here and no trees fell on us. Some of you have seen the picture I have posted several times of the house surrounded by trees 75 or more feet high.
Here is something I found that I decided to post regardless of its content. It reminds me of someone I used to think was a friend...overlooking all the things that were glaring at me. However, that person is gone and banished from my sight and generally, my thought. Bye was the best word ever. :-)