Sunday, January 16, 2011

HP strongly hints webOS tablet

A little less than a year after 1.2 billion U.S. dollars acquired by Palm, Hewlett Packard is dohng very, very clear that they are about to unveil a tablet webOS, and do it on 9 February in San Francisco.

During an appearance on CNBC said recently, HP Personal Systems Group Executive VP Todd Bradley, HP is "totally focused on the market tablet, completely focused on enabling it, webOS."

Bradley went on to say that HP intends to use the acquisition of Palm for a head to head with the likes of the iPad, saying that his company sees "tremendous opportunity, both for ourselves and our customers experience the best of the web, content that can best experience. "

Apart from that, Bradley did not say much about what an HP tablet might look like, although he said they are "phenomenal content consumption, personal computers ... for the creation of content. "

As for the event webOS February 9 is the slogan of the event "Think big. Think Small for. Thinking beyond ...», which strongly implies that all HP has not only a device to detect webOS, but several, from smartphones to tablet and beyond.