There are times when a birthday can creep up on a person so quickly that it seems like it’s come and gone before you know it. This one for me was kind of like that. The good news was that not only was my birthday very nice but Valentine’s Day was very nice too! Lovely and I like to go out before or after the day so it’s more of a thing between us and that’s worked out very well, this was no exception. Lincoln and I share the same birthday so I guess I won’t be forgetting it soon. For all that helped make it a great day with well wishes, prayers and otherwise: thank you so very much!
The kids have been burning their way through their school books and Sal has been doing his best to help this process. You might say he’s a salamander and a tutor
! I went out again today to get a few photos and couldn’t help but look with some longing at the pots just waiting for some flowers to be planted in them when spring finally makes itself known again
. The sky is at least partially sunny today but I don’t think it will last
. The wind is quite bitter today and I think this helps the whole weathering process that creates scenes like this one
. The flowers from last season still stand though in a considerably withered form
. Everything is waiting for spring but the wait won’t last forever. We went to examine the pond this morning and I see that it’s still frozen so it’s doubtful if other salamanders will be out just yet though it’s nearing their breeding season
. It won’t be long and this landscape will be entirely different with green being the predominant color rather than brown
. This is the area where I usually find food for Sal when the warmer weather arrives again…no chance of that just yet
. Lovely has posted a bunch of wonderful pictures on Face Book for those that are interested. This one I truly enjoy…me and the kids
. Good bye for now from us to you…even Sal says have a good one…don’t believe me? Just look at this smile