I don’t think a person can fully grasp the wonders of what God has done without being able to see clearly all that He’s done in every stage of our life. I’m a very forward looking person for the most part but there are things of the past that I hope to give me experience to make the future brighter. Last night we had our mid-week service which was also our New Year service. One thing we have done is have everyone involved in the services and I love that. Last night they brought out a home made banner with the trips we’ve had over the last couple of years put on it. It was so incredibly encouraging to see those things God has done in the past be a testimony to what God will surely do in the future. I can’t help but believe that this will be the best year yet. The weather has broken records this year with a tornado even hitting our Metra causing damage that they say won’t be fixed until April but I believe we have records of our own to set this coming year! Our youngest will turn five on the 31st which is a great way to kick off the new year as well! 20011 will surely be a year of fulfillment and I can hardly wait!
Looking back on our trip to Ghana I am warmed not just by the heat I can remember so well as we traveled from place to place. Nor is it the palm nut used to make their fiery soups
…not even the powerful chilies warm
as much as the coming fulfillment for 2011! The promises both warm and refresh me…much like this coconut on a hot day in Ghana
! I believe that we have vision and faith will provide the building materials for the job we have at hand
. It is not merely a change in location that warms me
no, not just the wonderful friends who have now become family to us
…not only those things. What thrills me is that God has brought together these precious things to make a structure of His making. My dream has been to travel a road less traveled
. I always wanted to see people from the nations we visit be in an international team ready to go into all the world together to bring unique anointings to places that would not ordinarily see it. This year this vision will come to the birth. We intend to bring our dear friends and family from Africa to a mission to the Philippines…this vision has long simmered on the back burner but now it is about to bloom like a glorious flower
! Sometimes it can feel that you’re eating whatever garbage fate tosses your way
but put action to your faith and you’ll never walk away ashamed or unfulfilled! This year we’ll form another team even greater than the one we had in Ghana
. Though many that went to Ghana will return we will have new people and greater purpose! We’ve stood tall in the storms of the past and attainted marvelous things
, we’ve cut through the jungle of doubts and fears that Satan presented but now we roll down the tracks on a train of his purpose with greater vision than ever before
! We’ve been accepted by those God has put us together with
. We’ve seen the promise in the generation to come
. Never was this more obvious then it was in my adopted brother’s son Julian
. Now the vision that has seemed hung out to dry
is coming to pass before our very eyes! Don’t let the vision come upon your unaware
! This is our time! God bless you all in this New Year! Something good is about to happen, something good is in store!