Man, I don’t know how many times the weather will dip back to nasty temps and grey skies but I have to admit I’m tired of it. I was going to go out again and see what I could see but the cool temperatures just sapped my interest in things outside today so I’ve only got a few pictures from earlier this week to share today. It’s really no surprise to see it get nasty like this before Easter. This has happened many times before. The good news remains that it can’t last. I love to see the triumph of the sun over the gloom. It gives the sky sort of an angelic appearance that really ministers to me. The brightness creates a silhouette from our trees that always draws my attention
. I keep feeling that there’s a theme here. Never in my life have I ever had such a sense of dark things waging a war against all that’s right and true but somehow beyond all the dark tendrils reaching up to drown the light there’s the strength of God’s promise coming to pass beyond it that will surely overtake it all
. This is a season when there’s either many religious posts or themes of colored eggs. For me I don’t mind the eggs as long as we all remember what the season is really about and frankly the religious for a day thing doesn’t do much for me. Where would we all be every day if Christ had not sacrificed himself for us all and been raised again from the dead? However you chose to celebrate I pray you’re blessed. I thank God for giving His son for us all and making this life worth living.