Wednesday, August 17, 2011

some buggery things...

When I'm at odds with a day, I automatically default to writing. Sometimes the things that get in the way of an otherwise fine day are niggling little distractions not worth the time it would take to reason them away; other times they're more persistent than my avoidance reflex and I realize I'm not going to get on with my day until I deal with the buggery things.

Yep...a lot of buggery things...

I grow increasingly contemptuous of  the cavalier, hobbyist attitude with which people in positions of authority approach responsibility, and greater still is my contempt of people who don't care, or worse still, don't care because they think caring doesn't accomplish anything, anyway.

The insanity of war is a thing too big for one person to bear; too many people are dying and I wonder if war has become so much a part of humanity's cultural environment that it's now accepted without question as a legitimate means of conflict resolution. The only way meaningful change of intolerable circumstances can happen is if entire nations work toward that end.

How the idea of protecting America's domestic security managed to evolve into a monstrous, evil entity as intrusive and invasive as the Gestapo of the Third Reich amazes me, although I'm no longer surprised it's happened. I just never dreamed I'd see it happen in my lifetime, and I'm glad Mom and Dad aren't alive to see it, too. I wonder what they'd say, how they'd react. I have never bought the story that heighteed security measures were enacted to protect Americans from an external threat.

I've come to realize that my generation--and possibly my sons'--is the last which will remember what the world was like before the crime which took place on September 11th, 2001 changed our lives forever. My rage persists that obfuscation has stood in the way ofjustice on behalf of the victims' families and loved ones. Medical issues continue to this day, unaddressed by the American government, and millions of dollars which were collected on behalf of the victims and their loved ones appears to have vanished into thin air.  A gaping crater still remains where a monument was to be erected, a fitting metaphor for the wreck this country has become.

The people of this country are continually lied to by a government which holds no&nbrp;true compassion or sense of obligation to us, and corporations continue to destroy the foundation of our way of life, brick by brick. Those who stand in defiance of the political machine are quickly marginalized and scorn of dissent is reinforced by the popular media. 

The internet has been a mixed bag of blessings and curses, and, for all its faults, it remains the most impactful tool available to the occupants of this planet. Many have established friendships and their extended families added to through the miracle of electronic communication, but the exchange of cultural observations has increased, too. I wonder how the government of the world have allowed us this level of access to one another for so long; did they not realize that one day we would compare notes on injustices and abuses, and share dreams of the defeat of those abuses? Legislation is now pending in the US which will destroy even the illusion of privacy, as internet service providers will be required to maintain records of each user's internet activity--including financial activity, credit card and account information, and all surfing activity.

Saddest of all is the fact that the sad developments in my country also face the other nations of the world to a greater or lesser degree; I am as deeply concerned for the years which face them as I am for the years which we face, as well.

Nonetheless, I still cling to the hope that good will triumph over evil, that people of good will will prevail over those who bear no good will at all.

Craziest of all? I honestly believe that it will.