This week has seen the end of our trip to another cabin so now the summer is looking more and more like it’s about done. I guess on the bright side we’ll end it with Lovely and my daughter going to a Three Days Grace concert at our local fair which should be a fun time. I had to miss Alice Cooper which still grates on me some but enjoy what you can you know? I have so many pictures from the last couple trips that I think I won’t be lacking for some time to come. I will finish the Ireland series and then move on to that. I don’t know if I’ll finish what I’ve got before heading to the Philippines in October (by God’s grace).
We didn’t venture into Dublin on this last trip as much as before however I still find that I like it. This time it was cold much of the trip but this day it was relatively nice which made the sights all the more enjoyable to take in. There were plenty of garda…the local police around because of two events: The Queen of England was visiting and Obama was on his way to visit. Fortunately all was calm. I love the old European look of the buildings
. My eyes are always drawn to the buildings here
. This spire celebrates southern Ireland’s entry into the EU
. I love drinking in the sightr and sounds when I visit other countries
. Even the shops have names that seem exotic…if not a bit humorous
. Some things strike me as rather prophetic and this was one of those things
. I believe these are actually garbage cans…if so I have a theory
: they are made to be not only attractive but to prevent bombs from being placed in them. All is not as it appears and the IRA do still do things that make it dangerous to be in the wrong place at the wrong time…thus the security. Stately buildings sometimes still have the mark of violence in the past
in fact some facades on the buildings still had bullet holes…sobering. We visited this church on our last trip…had meetings across the street from it in fact…it’s still beautiful in its own way
. Guinness is known throughout the world..there was plenty on this truckload
. Returning home from the city was pleasant too…always good to return to the cottage we were staying in after the visit to the city. There’s a beauty there that is unlike the city but a beauty none the less
. The Irish never seem rushed and here that is even more obvious
. Ireland is a place where things seem to move at their own pace
but I get the impression that underneath it all
it is not as peaceful as it appears
. The whole world seems obsessed with peace
but I think that we are heading for very troubled waters. We must walk the path God puts before us
and not stray in spite of the troubled times we live in
. Christ is called the way the truth and the life in the Bible…not a religion but the way, the truth and the life. This I believe with all of my heart. This road lies within every person but it cannot be walked upon unless we accept what Christ says of Himself and we walk with Him. This world may be on the decline but God’s plan will come to pass. He always leads to still pastures