Friday, May 27, 2011
PlayStation 4 in Progress
Thursday, May 26, 2011
memorial day, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Hope Has Arrived
I want to thank each and every one of you who have kept us in your thoughts and prayers. They have all paid off and last night “Hope”, our new little granddaughter arrived. We are all so very happy and grateful that all went well. Hope weighed in at 4 lbs. 4oz. She is in the NICU as she was born at 34 wks. and could be there for 2 or 3 wks. depending on how she progresses. She is on oxygen to keep her oxygen levels up, and they are tube feeding her at the moment, until she is stronger and able to suck. She also has fluid in her lungs and there is a procedure they use to help dry out her tiny little lungs. She has got off to a rough start but is in good hands. She is in God’s Hands.
Please keep Hope, mom and dad in your prayers. It hasn’t been easy for them, or the family. We are all so very thankful for her safe arrival, and will be so glad when she can come home to her family.
Thank you all so very much for your continued prayers.
xx's Dianne :)
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Rewind Option?….
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Sony Xperia Play
Sony's marketing machine behind this is confusing at best. Rather than call a PSP phone, which will undoubtedly raise the name of the fan running in the store to buy Sony, Xperia will be stamped on the play, also signed an extraordinarily successful line of Android phones, Sony said. At the top of their ads that are repeatedly mentioned Sony games on the phone, which is trying to demonize the iPhone, so you would think it would be useful to ensure that the phone is in possession of the sign PSP, right?
Whatever your opinion on their marketing, the phone comes with games, teddy bears, including Madden NFL 11, Bruce Lee Dragon Warrior Asphalt 6: adrenaline, The Sims 3, Star Battalion, Crash Bandicoot, and Tetris. In addition, there will be 50 games available through V CAST APPS store, and titles on the way through the Sony store PlayStstion.
For daily telephone interaction, "Facing the camera Android 2.3-powered smartphone front VGA camera and 5MP behind putting it together with most mid-range smartphone. The 1500mAh battery is not trustworthy, you can Crash Bandicoot play all day, but on the other hand Android 2.3 has a smart battery sipping code inside, then who knows.
More TECH news in
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Train Of Life
Train Of Life
Some folks ride the train of life
Looking out the rear,
Watching miles of life roll by,
And marking every year.
They sit in sad remembrance,
Of wasted days gone by,
And curse their life for what it was,
And hang their head and cry.
But I don't concern myself with that,
I took a different vent,
I look forward to what life holds,
And not what has been spent.
So strap me to the engine,
As securely as I can be,
I want to be out on the front,
To see what I can see.
I want to feel the winds of change,
Blowing in my face,
I want to see what life unfolds,
As I move from place to place.
I want to see what's coming up,
Not looking at the past,
Life's too short for yesterdays,
It moves along too fast.
So if the ride gets bumpy,
While you are looking back,
Go up front, and you may find,
Your life has jumped the track.
It's all right to remember,
That's part of history,
But up front's where it's happening,
There's so much mystery.
The enjoyment of living,
Is not where we have been,
It's looking ever forward,
To another year and ten.
It's searching all the byways,
Never should you refrain,
For if you want to live your life,
You gotta drive the train.
Author Unknown
I was riding my bike one day, and I stopped dead in my tacks,or should I say train tracks.
It was a late summer afternoon, and I had gone for a ride on the waterfront trail, and was on my way back home.
Out of the corner of my eye I looked in both directions, and this is what I saw. This is a little moment in history. I am looking forward to what lies ahead, but since I haven’t been out with my camera in awhile this is from my archives. :)
I have had a lot going on in my life, and that of my family. I would ask that you remember my Daughter-In Law (Sandra) and my little granddaughter who as of yet hasn’t been born. They are in the hospital in a NICU, because the baby is only 33 weeks old at this time. She is expected to have a premature arrival. I would appreciate your prayers for them, and that the baby would have a safe, and healthy arrival.
The last few weeks have been very unsettling for all of us, and stressful as well.
I know they are both in God’s Hands, as we all are.
The Medical Team is hoping that the baby can stay safely in the womb until the 34th week, and then if need be they will induce her labor . This is the short version of what has been happening without going into too much detail. Please remember my son who is the daddy, and Tesa, Jenna, and Courtney who are missing mom, and looking so foreword to having another little sister to be part of their family.
My other son and daughter-in-law are also expecting a little baby boy in August. :)
I had the pleasure of watching a 3D ultrasound, live broadcasting on my computer, yesterday. I got to watch my not yet born little grandson, in his mom’s womb. He was blowing bubbles , and was quite active. It brought me to happy tears as I watched the miracle of life before my very eyes. I only wish I could have seen the expression on my son’s and daughter-in-laws face as they watched their son. I am so very happy and excited for the both of them.
Life is good, and so very Precious!
Well there are other things going on in my life also, but this is more than enough for one day.
God Bless and be with you all. Have a good week.
Sincerely Dianne :)
Saturday, May 7, 2011
the way it's always been...
there is no way to know
how many nights she spent
wide awake and listening
as i slept warm with fever
fitful and restless
how many days she spent
worrying and wondering
pondering uncertain futures
hoping only for the best
knowing nothing’s guaranteed
when she could not see me
did she wonder and worry
imagine danger in the shadows
or were her thoughts serene
trusting and steady
i think i understand in part
for I worry after my own
wonder and hope for the best
know there are still no guarantees
and the world is no easier
perhaps this is the way it must be
the way it’s been from the beginning
a mother’s worries and wonderings
are seldom realized and her mind knows
but her heart never really does
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Birthers, Truthers and Now Deathers…What Next?
I have to admit I didn’t think I’d see the day when they caught and/or killed OBL. I think that the events that followed are far more typical. There has been controversies that have surrounded so many things over the years whether that be the JFK assassination to things surround Hitler and even aliens…let’s not forget the many controversies around religion as well…ugh, I could go on forever. We’ve had those that believe Obama wasn’t born in this country, those that feel Bush helped blow up the trade center towers and now a whole slew of people that won’t believe Osama is truly dead. For me I truly believe he’s dead and gone, I don’t believe our government blew up the trade centers nor do I doubt Obama was born in this country…oh yeah, and most important of all I believe Jesus Christ is the son of the living God who died for our sins and rose again from the dead that all who believe on Him and confess His name shall be saved. Just thought I’d clear that up. Mostly I feel that the passing of OBL or other evil men means little in the big scheme of things. I believe this will show that nobody can hide, nobody is invulnerable to justice…the day will come when it comes knocking on your door and you will have to face it no matter who you are or who you think you are. Kudos to the military for what they’ve done. The thing is I believe that above this is the importance that we remember what it is to be as Christians…as Americans…there is a conflict of purposes in this world…it’s far bigger than a threat to our things that we’ve obtained in this life…it’s our liberties that are threatened. We must fight to keep our purpose in life alive and not forget our neighbor in these times…or neighbor being whoever we come in contact with. We must keep our faith and not allow anything or anyone to take this away from us. Remind yourself daily what you really believe in and what you stand for and live accordingly. I will never bow to those things that rob us of who God has meant us to be nor will I lose my humanity when it comes to treatment of my neighbor because if I lose that I lose my humanity. Ignorance and hate walks the globe in a manner unlike anything I’ve ever seen before. I will fight this until the day I die. There, that was all free today! LOL!
I can hardly believe that we leave for Ireland a week from today. It will be a very early departure for us which doesn’t bless me too much. I’m glad to go and believe strongly in our mission and that gives strength to carry on. This is not a simple sight seeing trip or vacation. There’s much to do and I so much appreciate your prayers and support. I’m excited to meet our dear friends there again and to be able to minister once again in Ireland. The pastor there is actually from Ghana and he ministered with us while we were in Ghana. Our relationship with him and our dear friend Ade and Festus is strong and are very excited to see what God will do. Our weather is finally starting to look more like spring. at least during the day but in the evenings we’ve yet to have a low above forty. The sunsets are getting more beautiful at last. I love to see this again. Seeing pine needles dipped in the gold of a wonderful Montana sunset still grips me and fills me with wonder at God’s remarkable creation
! My walks have gotten decidedly more pleasant as well. The hues of the sky and the sound of Western Meadow Larks is a positive delight
. No matter what any may say I find that these things reinforce my believe in God…the author of all these things I witness with my own eyes. Those that do not believe I do not condemn though I will do what I can to live a life that testifies in what I believe that this might shine as brightly as the sun that God has made. We can be trees of righteousness every bit as real as the trees we see every day and like them I choose to lead a life that glorifies God. If I screw up I will not be discouraged because by His grace I will rise again and be stronger than before. Life is so much bigger than my own little world. I never travel abroad, pray for another person or see someone else without being reminded of this truth. This likely will be my last post since we leave next week. I will be off the grid as far as I know but hope to return to share some nice pictures and some stories from Europe. God bless and keep you all!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
My Girl….
My heartfelt thanks to all who have been asking about My Girl, I have the saddest of news to report, in that we had to take her to the PDSA yesterday, as an emergency it being a Bank Holiday, and they checked her over and found her kidneys had almost failed completely. It was time to say goodbye to my beautiful, brave girl and we did, my ex and I, with tears and heavy hearts as they gave her the final injection. We brought her body back to her garden and she is now buried behind the Yew tree where she loved to sniff and play.
We are in total shock and disbelief but we knew the time had come to let her go, as there was no doubt she was in pain and there was no way back. For the past week we had been trying to help her regain her appetite, feeding her everything tasty we could think of, but to no avail. Tears have been shed by the bucket load and are not far away every minute I think of her, and I want to thank Arlene especially for the wonderful painting she did of My Bess which I have been staring at and remembering Bess as she was, bright as a button and forever playful.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Western Tanager Heartbreak
I am crushed and can't shake off the heartbreak. I know how stupid this is going to sound to some of you but I can't help my feelings. The last couple days I've noticed a Western Tanager in our backyard. These birds are not a common visitor on our property and it's a treat to see them. I've been enjoying his visits to the oranges I put out for the Orioles. In retrospect, I noticed this bird was a little on the slow side but hadn't given it much thought. Perhaps it was already sick when my Emma (one of our cats) caught it and brought it in the house. I spotted it on the floor of our living room and her watching it when I came back through the room. She's a cat ... her brain is wired that way and I know it's not her fault. I know the consequences of having indoor outdoor cats. I don't need anyone giving me a noodle lashing here. We have a outdoor Lab that will catch and kill birds and rabbits. I don't like that either. But I know she can't help it .. her brain is wired that way too. I'm not getting rid of our pets. They are my babies. Most of you will understand my feelings here.
I picked the Tanager up (gloves on) and let it outside. It could only 'hop fly'. I just didn't have the heart to leave this thing on the ground so I put it in one of our unused bird boxes in the front yard. I didn't know what else to do. I searched on the net and found our nearest "Wild Animal Rehabilitation Center" which is in Tucson. Not really all that close. I called the number and got a hold of a woman. She really couldn't help me and in fact, made me feel worse than I already did by making me feel bad for having cats. Perhaps I had caught her at a bad time but I didn't feel any sympathy or any real kindness from her. I left the bird in the box and felt horrible for the poor thing. It got pretty cold last night and that killed me too. While in bed I thought to myself that if it was still alive .. I would put it in our cat carrier and bring it in the house. I should have just done that to begin with but I hadn't thought about it until I was already in bed. It WAS alive when I went back to the box this morning. Head tucked into the wings. So I went to the shed and prepared the cat carrier. I put a soft fuzzy pillow cover on the bottom of the carrier. I lined a shoe box with a soft dish towel and placed the bird in the box and put the box inside the cat carrier. I placed some water, seeds and half an orange inside the carrier. Then I put the whole carrier in our bath tub and closed the door to keep the cats away from it. An hour and a half later it passed. What a heart break. I just wish I didn't get so attached and so emotional. It's one thing to lose a close relative ... but losing a wild bird shouldn't do this to me! ugh. Below are pictures I had taken of the bird .. before all this happened. More pictures here ..