Thursday, September 9, 2010

….FOR ME….?




Mobile Pictures 086


Pink Vases you stand there so….Pink and tall

where to put you?…I don’t know, you don’t fit at all

everywhere I try, you stand out like a sore thumb,

hallway, mantel, shelf,…what a game you’ve become


Upstairs and downstairs, I’ve tried every last space,

but you stand there, looking so, so out of place

pink and glassy, you seem to defy me to find

a place I can leave you,  put you out of my mind


I’m tempted, sorely tempted to lose you somewhere,

but you were a present and I couldn’t take the frosty glare

from the person who gave you to me with such glee

So there you stand, on the mantel, laughing solely at me……



LadyP © 2010